Pu Du Du Still03_300dpi.jpg

Films and animation works

Password: pududu2022
Hand-drawn , 3D

Pu Du Du

Pu Du Du is an independent animated short.

It is a result of contemplation over breaking old friendships. The execution is a poetic piece, accompanies by the music of the Estonia duo Uma.

The visual language of the film consists of hand drawn illustrations projected on 3D geometry. It is my first work in 3D environment.

Drawing on paper

Het Regent

It was raining in Eindhoven in July ‘21.

“Het Regent” (“It’s Raining”) was drawn on paper using pencils, oil pastels, ink and markers. It consists of 12 panels 6 for the rain and 6 for the sun. Each phase of the shape loop was scanned and processed before the next one was drawn on top of it.

2D animation

Rotterdamse Quarantine Nacht

An attempt to capture some feelings from a three months long quarantine in three nights.

2D animation

The Driver

The Driver unfolds a short poem about a train that is on a compulsive rush to an unknown destination.

The story of the train conceals an allegory to the challenge of putting a stop to self -destructing patterns. Whereas the poem and the film echoes me, it makes a statement on society as well; over its apathy and its lack of ability in embracing well-needed change.

2D animation

Artist and Friend

“Artist and Friend” is my first independent film.

It deals with being overwhelmed by feelings of doubt and indecisiveness.

To construct the raw chaos, more than 50 unique abstract animated loops were created. The sound of the loops consists of a combination of recordings of traditional instruments and digital sounds. The recordings were made in cooperation with the musician Berry de Jong.

2D animation

Low Sound of Fire

“Low Sound of Fire” is my graduation film from the Master of Animation at AKV | St.Joost

Moving to the Netherlands from Israel was a transformative experience. The contrast between the cultures and my experience within this new environment were embodied with this work. The B&W world, representing Israel, the coloured world, the Netherlands, and the bird who functions in both worlds yet remains aloof and strange to them at the same time.

